A Step-By-Step Guide To Ironing Your Linen Shirts & Pants

Posted by Alex Melen on

A Step By Step Guide To Ironing Your Linen Shirts and Pants

Linen is a material that creases very easily. If you want to keep your linen shirt and pants looking fresh, then it is important to know how to iron your them. Ironing shirts and pants may seem complicated to some, especially for those who are not familiar or have never done it by themselves before. Read on to find out a step-by-step guide on how you should be ironing your linen shirts and pants.

Items that You Need

Before you start, you will have to prepare the items needed to iron your clothes. This includes a clean iron, an ironing board, and water in a spray bottle. If you do not have an ironing board, you can use any old surface. However, an ironing board will definitely make the ironing process a lot easier, and ensure that you do not damage surfaces in your home. Another thing to take note of is to ensure that your iron is clean and free from oil, dust and residue. You can clean it with water mixed with baking soda, vinegar, detergent and nail polish remover before using it.

Ironing a Linen Shirt

Ironing a shirt should not require a long time. In fact, it is one of the easiest garments to iron. Start off by ironing the sleeves of a shirt. This way, you can proceed to hand them off the edges of the ironing board when you iron the rest of the shirt. When ironing the shirt, remember to open up the collar and the cuffs in order to lay the shirt flat. Many newbies have just started ironing clothes forget this step. By opening the collar and the cuff, you will be able to iron the entire collar and sleeve perfectly.

Once you are done ironing your linen shirt, hang it outside down for it to cool down. If you wear it immediately, the warm temperature of the shirt will make it crease easily, and can negate the effort you put in to straighten your shirt.

Ironing Linen Pants

First, line your pants up in a way that the leg seams match. You can get a perfect crease this way when you iron it on the ironing board. The crease should run all the way till about 6 inches below the waist. The first thing you should do when ironing pants is to set the front crease. Once that is done, you can hang your pants by the waistband for awhile to allow it to cool down completely. After it cools down, you can go ahead and wear your nicely pressed pants.

By following the right procedures to iron your linen shirt and linen pants, the ironing process can be made a lot easier and a lot faster. Of course, if your garment has complicated creases that you need to follow, more time is needed.

If you are interested in purchasing linen garments to wear, feel free to check out Casual Tropical Wear. We offer a range of linen shirts and pants which come in a wide variety of styles and colors. Check out our website to find out more today!

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